Panel on UHIS
was honored to moderate a panel of distinguished experts on hashtag#UHIS with Dr. Alaa Abdelmaguid, Dr. mohsen george, and Dr. Ahmed Yehia Khalifa, where we discussed approaches to engaging private sector in UHIS, learning from HIO experience in covering the informal sector, and using the recent hashtag#NHA results to expand coverage to the poor.
Role of Primary Health Care in Universal Health Coverage
On September 7, I was invited to address the Global Population, Health, and Development Congress on the critical role of #PrimaryHealthCare in achieving #UniversalHealthCoverage.
Keynote Address at Global Population, Health and Development Congress
On September 6, I was honored by giving the keynote address at the Global Population, Health and Development Congress on the potential economic impact if hashtag#Egypt is to accelerate fertility decline to achieve the hashtag#DemographicDividend.